Breaking News
Wednesday 3 September 2008

Info Post
Yep - you read that right! James Cameron is revisiting his record breaking movie of all movies and introducing us to a virtual 3D world based on Titanic. The world will be called "Place In Time: Titanic" and you can explore - through an avatar of course - details of the ship and I am assuming an immersion into what it would be like to live during those times.

You see Cameron is on the board of directors for Multiverse (an open source engine for MMORPGs - or Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games) and obviously is very aware of the benefits and opportunity that online 3D worlds and gaming offer. But I am betting that Cameron has much more up his sleeve. I see him working and INTEGRATING open source gaming work into his movies and vice versa. Backgrounds, objects - who knows, even characters from these online worlds could make their way into his movies. Imagine a player made hero from a Manga MMORPG world making it into a starring role as a CGI creation in Battle Angel? Now THATS entertainment. My opinion of course.

Don't forget the hype behind Avatar: The Game with it being playable in 3D! Ubisoft is launching this game next summer and I can't wait to get my hands on a copy. It is interesting that this game will be released BEFORE the movie comes out - will it betray storylines or designs? Hmmm.

I will say this at a minimum - James Cameron has got one helluva sense of COOL.

Source: C|Net


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