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Sunday 10 July 2011

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Wie awesome ist das bitte!? John Landis arbeitet z.Zt. an einem 320 Seiten starkem Buch über Monster in Filmen! Der Mann der uns eine der besten Horrorkomödien aller Zeiten (American Werewolf in London) beschert hat, hat nun eine Sammlung von Fotos und Konversationen mit Hollywoods wichtigsten Monstermachern zusammengetragen! Das gute Stück erscheint am 19. September zum Preis von 40$ (etwa 30 €), was mich zu einem sehr SUBTILEN TIPP bringt, was ich mir zum 5ten Jahrestag von Simone wünschen könnte... ^^ Amazon-Link

Folgendes hat Landis der Fangoria zum Thema gesagt:

“I’m doing a book for DK Publishing called MONSTERS IN THE MOVIES, which is basically a sort of an overall compendium. It’s going to have thousands of photos,” Landis tells Fango. “Really, it’s a very unusual and fun book. It’s a very entertaining book to open. It’s not about horror films, but it is about monsters in the movies so that means horror films, science fiction films, fantasy films—any film with a monster. DK Publishing is a big British publisher; they do penguin books. They make very beautiful illustrated books. You’ve seen their STAR WARS and James Bond books.
“I’m almost finished,” Landis continues. “It’s mostly chapters and photographs, but I have wonderful…instead of interviews, I would do conversations. I have very unusual conversations with a bunch of my friends who are monster makers, so there’s obviously [AMERICAN WEREWOLF’s] Rick Baker, but there’s also Chris Lee and Ray Harryhausen and David Cronenberg and Sam Raimi and Guillermo del Toro and Joe Dante, but they’re different because they’re not like an interview. They’re much more conversations where we really discuss monsters. It’s great fun, and it’s something I didn’t realize would be so much work when I took the job, but I’m pleased with it. It’s a fun book. “

 via Fangoria


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