Breaking News
Saturday 23 July 2011

Info Post
Angestachelt vom gestrigen Posting über kommende Projekte von Robert Rodriguez habe ich (zum wahrscheinlich 100sten Mal) Planet Terror und Sin City geguckt (Bonus Material inklusive). In den Extras von Sin City findet sich unter anderem eine kurze "Cooking School" in der Rodriguez uns zeigt wovon er sich so ernährt wenn er an einem Film arbeitet. Und den Rest der Zeit anscheinend auch: Breakfast Tacos! Ob man die Dinger nun wirklich (schon) zum Frühstück verputzen will, sei mal dahingestellt. Lecker sind die Dinger auf jeden Fall. Sim und ich habens schon nachgekocht. 
Wer also jetzt noch nicht gefrühstückt haben sollte oder noch überlegt was er heute Mittag/Abend mampfen will/soll, erhält hier schonmal einen kleinen Stoß in die richtige Richtung. ;)

Hier das Rezept nochmal zum Nachlesen:

1 Note: Tortilla recipe yields 8-10.
2 FLOUR TORTILLAS: In large mixing bowl combine the flour, salt and baking powder.
3 Cut in the butter (or butter and lard) using a pastry blender or your hands until mixture is incorporated and coarse, like wet sand.
4 Add 3/4 cup warm water and using your hands or a fork, form into a dough, not too sticky and not too dry. If too sticky, add more flour, too dry, add more water.
5 Knead the dough on a floured surface for a few minutes until no longer sticky; the dough should feel smooth, elastic and not dry.
6 Divide the dough up into 8-10 balls and arrange on a baking sheet.
7 Lightly dampen a tea towel with warm water, cover the dough and let rest for 20 minutes.
8 TACOS/MIGAS: Heat up about 2 tablespoons corn oil in a non-stick pan on medium heat and fry the potatoes until soft but not crispy.
9 Season potatoes with salt and pepper to taste.
10 Transfer potatoes to a paper towel lined plate.
11 In the same pan, heat up 2 tablespoons of corn oil and fry the tomato, onion and jalapeno until onion [just] begins to soften. Set aside and keep warm.
12 In the same pan, heat up some more oil (2 tablespoons or so) and fry up the corn tortilla strips until crispy.
13 Set corn tortilla strips aside on a paper towel lined plate and drain.
14 Using the same pan, heat up about 2 tablespoons butter and lightly scramble the eggs.
15 Combine the tomato mixture, corn tortillas strips and eggs on a platter. Set aside and keep warm.
16 Using a rolling pin, shape the flour tortillas into thin round circles about 6" in diameter. (Or use a wax paper lined tortilla press to form.).
17 Heat up a cast iron skillet on medium heat. (If you want, you can add a [~small~] amount of bacon drippings to the skillet to cook the tortillas).
18 Cook the tortillas until bubbles form and brown specks appear, about 1 minute. Turn over and cook other side, about another minute.
19 Continue cooking all the flour tortillas in the same manner.
20 Keep tortillas warm, stacking them one on top of the other until ready to serve. Do not allow to dry out! Use a dampened tea towel or tortilla warmer to keep tortillas pliable.
21 To serve, divide the potato/egg mixture onto the flour tortillas. Fold in half and eat!
22 Important note: Servings are estimated.

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