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Monday 4 October 2010

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Auf Arrow in the Head sind seit kurzem erste Szenen-Bilder aus dem Prequel zu John Carpenter's Sci-Fi-Horror Klassiker "Das Ding aus einer anderen Welt" zu sehen. Natürlich kommen diese Bilder nicht gänzlich unkommentiert daher. Erik Walkuski hatte das Vergnügen das Set des, ebenfalls "The Thing" betitelten, Films von Matthijs van Heijningen Jr. in Kanada zu besuchen. Bilder der Kreatur(en) gibt es leider (noch) keine. Da muss ich die Euphorie leider bremsen. Ein paar Sätze haben mich allerdings sehr beruhigt, was die Effekte angeht:

"When asked about how the the various "Things" came to be, physically, at least, Gillis says, "The way this process has worked, which has been really great for us, is that it is very collaborative. They had a really solid screenplay, it was very respectful of the Carpenter version, and it had some really freaky concepts in it." To nail down the look of the Thing, Gillis and partner Tom Woodruff Jr. would create a hundred or so thumbnail sketches for the director to look over. Once van Heijningen narrowed it down to twenty or so, the effects crew would go about creating "mockettes", tiny sculptures that better inform the team about how the creatures will look and move, where the wires will run, where a puppeteer will be stationed, among many other variables. "What's cool about this for us as creature effects designers is that we get to work within the language that was established by Carpenter and Rob Bottin in 1982," Gillis says. "But we also get to add some of our own stuff in terms of original creature design.""

Es werden also wieder Puppen genutzt um das Ding darzustellen. Gott sei Dank. Hoffen wir mal dass das Script nicht kacke ist, dann dürfte der Rest nämlich auch was werden...
Als großer Fan des "Originals" bin sehr gespannt wie das Endresultat wohl aussehen wird.

Bei Arrow in the Head gibt's natürlich noch ein paar mehr Bilder vom Dreh


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