Vespera Vel?zquez collection
Vespera is a character I have multiple incarnations of. She started out as a character for a Soul Eater RP, and since then I've made two other versions of her, one of which I'm already planning on using here. Since her character calls for a variety of outfits, I've drawn the most variations of her:
Iris Walker collection
Iris is another character that started from the Soul Eater RP, but unlike Vespera, Iris was just a regular human with a katana that she made herself. I always had the most fun RPing her, even if I found her design infuriating to draw at times.
Random Oddities
These are random things I've done, some RP related and some not.
- Another set of characters for the Soul Eater RP, based on another team I had done for a webcomic that may or may not be dead.
Promotional comic intended to hook interest for a RP forum I'm still working on. Not sure if I'll ever get this comic or the forum done.
Gabriel Preston, a character I keep on hand for various settings who is a total knockoff of John Reese from Person of Interest.
(WARNING: MASSIVE) Unfinished comic page for the Soul Eater RP, no dialogue due to the fact I was co-writing it with another RPer who left before this plot line could come to fruition.
Page two of the comic, equally unfinished but this one is scaled down compared to the last one.
This is a test for a super hero comic book I'm working on. I did this page solely to draw the characters and do some personality traits, and it's not from an actual story for it. If I ever get this comic done I will likely NOT be the artist because if you noticed I absolutely fail when it comes to backgrounds and proportions.
Drawing of my Nageki character.
Drawing of my character Nageki showing her without her hoodie or cloak along with most of her weapons.
One-shot comic sketch featuring Nageki from a story I've had in the works for some time but will likely never finish.
Nageki from a story where she was briefly made human again.
Easily my favorite drawing I've ever done, this is my Phantasy Star Portable 2 version of Nageki.
Oldest drawing I could dig up, this is my original cast of characters for an original universe that is currently in the works for a project I'm working on with some friends. Going clockwise from the top we have Shadow Gunner, Galicia, Leos, Tsukasa, and Paradox.
I haven't worked on these in forever, but hey, they're here if you wanna read them. Now Loading is a humor comic with a few spots of plot and serious amounts of harsh language, and Paradox is supposed to be a more serious, action-based comic that will likely get me in legal trouble if I ever finish the first story since it's supposed to be set in a MegaTokyo chapter, which I try to avoid directly mentioning.
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