As far as film-noirs go, Deadfall is underwhelming. Tepid tension, unimposing drama - notwithstanding the stellar cast which include Kate Mara (127 Hours; 10 Years) and Treat Williams (Once Upon a Time in America) - and occasionally ridiculous scripting don't exactly aid The Counterfeiters director Stefan Ruzowitzky's lo-fi from falling apart. In the name itself, Deadfall, sadly, falls dead.
I shan't miss to clarify: this is not the worst movie to see this year. Trust me. I've seen crap load of movies worse than this. It doesn't waste your time either. In frankness, the movie is bolstered with impressive stuntwork and chattering violence. Support performances from estimable actors like Sissy Spacek (The Help) and Kris Kristofferson (Big Miracle) keep the film watchable.
The issue here is the movie's conventionality. It clings to many of its genre's tropes in lieu of embracing tapestries which is what is expected with film-noirs anyway. Even in this respect, the movie still falls flat. The conventions weren't utilized to the betterment of the movie - the conventionality, if not at all laziness has its consequences and in Deadfall we had the idea on what those are.
When an incestuous brother-and-sister duo (Eric Bana and Olivia Wilde) en routes to the Canadian Border after a triumphant bank heist, a freak car accident leaves them under the snowfall - yes, like Hansel and Gretel, only this time lost on the sheets of ice. Big brother decides that they split up, which even in fairy tales, will be the dumbest thing to do. Off little sis go and hitch-hike - and seduce - a pugilist and ex-con named Jay (Charlie Hunnam). One night is spent and Jay ridiculously falls for her and invites her to a Thanksgiving dinner. And you guessed it right, sis Liza phones bro Addison to meet up their and recommence their escape. Bana's southern accent is a pain, considering Hunnam's isn't (he's Brit).
"This is kind of like an old movie, don't you think," Wilde utters in a scene. My retort was, "I really wish so, hot one."
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