Mod Type: ROM?????
"Shiny" OTA-Like JOP40D Android 4.2.1 for VZW Galaxy Nexus (Toro)
Skip right to the downloads (if you dare

Hello there RootzWiki community! I'll admit this is a pretty spontaneous post; I've been building ROMs from the Android Open Source (Project) for awhile now, but I've never "published" any of them. I myself own a Verizon Galaxy Nexus, so I've always built from AOSP to make sure I'm as up to date as possible. Well, that's a little background so let's get going with the overview of the ROM itself:
This ROM is Android Jelly Bean 4.2.1, build JOP40D. The ROM is built directly from source, that is, the Android source code published by Google available for download to all of us developers. The reason I say the ROM is "OTA-like" is because I make VERY few modifications to it, aside from the things that it takes to get the ROM working. I'll go into detail about those things below, but basically I just want the ROM to make your phone feel stable and shiny and new as if it has just received a new OTA update. I do, however, try to throw in some hints of the new Nexus devices to make it feel even shinier and newer
As for how I handle the forum side of things, I'm always open to comments, questions, suggestions, requests, etc. I know that most of those things will often be in the form of criticism, but it's okay, I think I can handle it :) That being said, I do also have a life and am a college student, so I may not get to come on here ALL the time. I will check back as frequently as possible, and I'm hoping that you guys will help each other out as much as possible! Keep it friendly! :) So now for the details...
- Stock Android 4.2.1, build JOP40D
- Source (AOSP) built kernel (boot.img)
- Built-in Emoji support for the Messaging app
- Deodexed
- Easily rootable (see information below)
- G-Apps (GMail, Play Store, etc.) included in build
- Stock browser replaced with Google Chrome
- Shiny restart options
- New 4.2 wallpapers included
- New 4.2 (Nexus 4) sounds included
- All the crazy Google proprietary app stuff has been taken care off (Email2.apk, ExchangeGoogle.apk, DeskClockGoogle.apk, etc. all included)
- Updated frequently
- Everything works!
I'm sure by now you all know that when someone says that, it usually ends up not being true. This ROM is not an exception to that rule, but I can say that I've tested most of the things that would be expected to work in stock Android, such as...
- WiFi Tethering (no subscription check)
- Bluetooth streaming
- Google account sign-in and auto-restore of apps and settings
- Google Wallet
- Location Services (pretty fast GPS lock in my area also)
- Believe it or not, December is still a month!
- Photosphere
- Android beam
- Photo editing with the new filters
- Email
- Exchange support
- Like I said, the normal stuff (data, voice, hardware acceleration, etc.)
- More things that aren't important enough to mention here
It's impossible for me to test for and notice EVERY single possible bug in the operating system, so as of right now I can't say that there are any, although I'm sure you will find some. If you do, report them here!
Other IMPORTANT Information
But wait, nothing in this post said anything about root!!!11!!1!1!!! That's right, my ROM does NOT have root built in! (I don't use any root apps, and it's important to the whole "OTA-like" theme). That being said, the ROM is easily rootable; I made sure of this because I know that many, many of you will use root for many useful purposes. If you want to root the ROM, it's as easy as installing Chainfire's SuperSU app/su with this ZIP file. More detailed information can be found in the "Installation Instructions" section. **NOTE** Each time you flash a new build of the ROM, you'll also have to reflash the Chainfire Root ZIP. This has to do with the ROM ZIP formatting the /system partition, but I'll look into a way of keeping root across installs. For now, reflash the Chainfire root ZIP each time you flash a new build of the ROM. (Thanks alkaseltzer!)
I'm probably going to update the ROM itself once every few days (at least once a week) because there are constantly updates being pushed to the Android source. I probably won't make many changes myself except with updating binaries or fixing bugs. Because of this, I'm not going to keep an extensive changelog. You can always check out the AOSP code review for recent changes to the source. I'll only a keep a changelog of big, notable, and important changes. Everything else will be low-level optimizations that will make the experience much smoother without you even knowing :)
This ROM will (most likely) work with any toro radios; however, I of course recommend using the most recent, Verizon-approved radios which are the FF02 and FG02 radios. My ZIP installation package for these radios can be downloaded here.
Once again, I'm assuming that this ROM will work with all tuna/toro bootloaders; BUT for optimal experience and performance, use the newest Google-approved bootloader, PRIMELC03. My ZIP installation package for that bootloader can be downloaded here.
ClockworkMod Recovery
I personally recommend using ClockworkMod Recovery as it has always worked well for me with no quirks. Android 4.2 messed up a few aspects of recoveries because of its multi-user system. ClockworkMod Recovery has been updated to correct some of these issues, and I recommend updating to the most recent version, You can flash either the touch recovery or non-touch recovery image through fastboot OR you can download my flashable recovery update ZIP (touch/non-touch) and flash it in recovery. Check out the installation instructions for more details on this.
Some Other Not-so-important Information
Naming Conventions
All of my ROM ZIP files are automatically generated by my build computer. The file name always begins with baldwinguy77_toro_aosp so you know that it's my build for toro. That prefix is always followed by the date in mmddyy format (e.g. 112212), a hyphen ("-"), and the time in 24-hour, hhmmss format (e.g. 153945). Finally, all builds end with the "signed" suffix - it just helps me know which packages have finished building and which have not. Hopefully this helps everyone to know which update is newest; I stay away from version numbers because I let Google do all of the version control.
File Hosting
I will most likely always be using Dev-Host to host my files. They allow an unlimited file size to be uploaded which is a big plus for me. I understand that their servers may get slow under stress, but all servers do, and they're really a great hosting service. Check them out at They can't be beat!
Also, if anyone ever wants to mirror for me, please feel free so long as you keep the file name and the file itself intact. As for everyone who downloads from a posted mirror: BE CAREFUL! Always use a virus scanner and be careful with what you are putting on your device!
Installation Instructions (VERY IMPORTANT - Note: You can flash all of these ZIPs in CWM or TWRP)
1. Download the latest version of the ROM from this post. (Also download any other files you will need to install, such as Chainfire's SuperSU Root ZIP, the radios installation ZIP, the bootloader installation ZIP, etc.)
2. Put the file(s) you downloaded in step 1 on your phone's internal storage (sdcard).
3. Turn off your phone.
4. Boot into the bootloader of the phone by holding down both volume buttons and the power button simultaneously until you feel a vibration and see a large arrow that says "Start".
5. Use the volume keys to change the arrow until it says "Recovery," then press the power button to boot into recovery.
6. Because of differences in recovery types, I will make the following steps rather generic.
7. Wipe cache.
8. Format /system.
9. Wipe dalvik cache.
10. If you want to be 100% sure there are no problems, wipe data. If you are coming from another ROM or Android version, wipe data. If you do not wipe data and something goes wrong, repeat this process but wipe data.
11. If you are updating your radios, flash
12. If you are updating your bootloader, flash
13. Flash the ROM (
14. If you are rooting, flash Chainfire's SuperSU ZIP file.
15. Reboot your phone, and enjoy!
ClockworkMod Recovery (Fastboot method - must have an unlocked bootloader and fastboot in your path)
1. Download either the CWM touch recovery image or non-touch recovery image to your computer and rename it to "recovery.img".
2. Power off your phone.
3. Boot into the bootloader of the phone by holding down both volume buttons and the power button simultaneously until you feel a vibration and see a large arrow that says "Start".
4. Plug your phone into your computer using the standard USB cable.
5. Open the command prompt/terminal and navigate to the folder where your "recovery.img" is saved.
6. Type "fastboot devices" to make sure your phone is recognized; a serial number should show up on the screen.
7. Type "fastboot flash recovery recovery.img" and wait for the process to complete (should be quick).
8. You're done! Use the volume keys to select "Recovery" and boot into your new recovery!
ClockworkMod Recovery (Flashable ZIP method - easier)
If you are updating your recovery before flashing a ROM, these steps should ALL be completed PRIOR to flashing the ROM.
1. Download either the touch recovery flashable ZIP or the non-touch recovery flashable ZIP.
2. Place the ZIP file downloaded in step 1 on your internal storage/sdcard.
3. Turn off your phone.
4. Boot into the bootloader of the phone by holding down both volume buttons and the power button simultaneously until you feel a vibration and see a large arrow that says "Start".
5. Use the volume keys to change the arrow until it says "Recovery," then press the power button to boot into recovery.
6. Choose "Install update from sdcard"
7. Select "Choose file from sdcard"
8. Find the flashable recovery ZIP file you downloaded and install it
9. Back up to the root menu of recovery
10. Select "advanced"
11. Select "reboot recovery"
12. The phone should boot up into your new recovery!
As with most ROMs, I only did a small part to get everything together. Also, a note that should be made here is that when I am using someone else's file (Chainfire's SuperSU ZIP, for example), I ALWAYS host it on my own dev-host account to ensure that I don't put any unnecessary stress on their servers. Any file, however, still belongs to and is accredited to its original creator as listed below:
Willyjay - For providing us with lots of amazing and innovative mods for the ROM! Check out his RootzWiki profile here!
Chainfire - For their SuperSU app and su binary, as well as the convenient ZIP update package. Check out their website,
Groupers - My new buddy on RootzWiki who helped me out with a GPS issue that popped up in 4.2. Check out his RootzWiki profile!
Google - Without their amazing staff and willingness to share the source code of their operating system, I wouldn't have been able to build this ROM!
Samsung - We all may have some mixed feelings about them, but in the end they gave us the amazing, hackable phone that is the Galaxy Nexus.
RootzWiki - Their extremely innovative and supportive community helps myself as well as hundreds of other developers and thousands of users to thrive, and exemplifies the heart and soul of Android.
Dev-Host - The file-sharing service with virtually no limits on sharing - kudos to them and their hard work.
Koush and the ClockworkMod/ROM Manager Team - They make the best recovery that's been around for longest, and their constant updates allow us to keep making ROMs!
Kevdliu - Huge thanks to this dev and their amazing quick settings mod! Please check out their thread here! Also, ?if you want to install the quick settings mod, make sure to use the compatibility ZIP for this ROM, which can be found in the download post below!
The CyanogenMod Team - For a working implementation of DSPManager on Android which can be ported to any AOSP-based ROM! Without them and Bigwavedave25, the DSP manager mod would not be available! Be sure to thank them and to check out the CyanogenMod website!
Thanks to everyone for their hard work and sharing that work with others!
Come on guys, it's a Galaxy Nexus, to what extent could it really get messed up? Nonetheless, in case someone flashes this then puts their phone in the microwave or something and tries to blame it on me, I am not directly responsible for anything that occurs, either negative or positive, from flashing this ROM to your phone. Despite that, I am posting in the spirit of the Android community, a community that I have embraced and belonged to for several years, and I would never try to hurt any of your innocent, beautiful phones.
Edited by baldwinguy77, Yesterday, 10:50 PM.
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