Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web.
From Search Engine Land:
Just about a week ago Google?s new Google Maps iPhone app was released and oh boy were people waiting for it. Jeff Huber, Google?s Senior Vice President of Commerce & Local at Google said on Google+ that in two days they had over 10 million downloads of the app. The app has already hit the [...]
Last week?s announcement by Raven tools that they would remove all ?scraped data? (e.g., ranking reports) from their toolkit came as an unwelcome surprise to many of their customers. This action effectively makes a big portion of their service redundant, and the reaction to this news hasn?t been all positive for Raven. This must have [...]
I was ready to write a completely different column today. Then, I saw the announcement that Raven is doing away with ranking reports and any other SEO data that might ruffle Google?s feathers. I quickly went through denial/anger/bargaining/acceptance: I?m sure they?ll find another way to get this data; this won?t affect anyone else What the #$)(*!*) [...]
As of today, you can count Facebook as a potentially significant new competitor in local search ? on mobile devices. The company is updating the ?Nearby? feature in its iOS and Android apps Nearby Becomes Local Search Tool Previously Nearby was about finding where your friends had checked-in. After the app update Nearby will still [...]
Optimize your paid search, SEO and internet marketing campaigns. Attend Search Engine Land?s SMX West conference in San Jose, CA March 11-13. Register before Super Early Bird rates expire this Friday, December 21. Build your own program by selecting from any of the 50+ tactical sessions including: Essential SEO Analytics: The Performance Metrics That Truly [...]
Over the last month, I?ve had two clients send me email pitches from other agencies trying to ?poach? business away from us. The two pitches were from different agencies, but the message was the same: something is ominously, terribly wrong with the way your current agency is managing your account! Here?s the pitch from the [...]
The holiday season is now in full swing! Google has finally added the Christmas and Kwanzaa decorations to compliment the Festivus pole and Hanukkah decorations you already get on Google. How does it work? Just search for [christmas] and you will get Christmas bells. Note, this also works for [santa] and other holiday search terms: [...]
Confirming a report from the New York Post last week, the Wall Street Journal and Politico both published articles that said Google would emerge basically unscathed from the FTC?s antitrust investigation. Google will apparently agree to make voluntary changes to various practices and will thus avoid having to sign a consent degree. The voluntary actions, [...]
Local search provider and online ad network YP has released its end of the year review report (.pdf). The data are drawn from a huge volume of queries on its PC destination site, its mobile site and apps, as well as its broader advertising network. YP says that 30 percent of its overall query volume [...]
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