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Thursday 15 December 2011

Info Post

With roller coaster's tracks breaking, lungs bursting out because of vigorous screaming and flesh perishing, Final Destination 3 is a worth-to-ride kind of thing. If you've been following the franchise since its birth, then this is not a disappointment. If you're an enthusiast of the genre, this will at least satisfy you. If you're not one of those, then forget it.

Director of the original film of the series, James Wong seemed to have used the same formula in this film, only leaving viewers to keep on rambling the thought back-and-forth: "It's the same goddamn film!"

Here's the plot: Final Destination 3 is a teen-centric film that follows Wendy (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), after having a premonition of a roller-coaster crash. Death once again take people's live who cheats his "design".

FD3 IS THE SAME PATTERN. Like the iconic "force" and/or character featured in all of the FD franchise, Death, Final Destination films also adheres to a certain pattern. And this is visible to this film--finding instant resemblances from the first movie--and to the other future films as well, like for instance FD5, I've written a review about this, read on.

The reason that Morgan's (writer of the film) formula worked, in my personal opinion, is that because it's realistic. For what we don't know, death might be just lurking around the side of the street--everywhere--it could be in your room, it could be in the mall, it could happen two years later, or maybe later, this afternoon. They successfully created a paranoia of something that might be true.

Back to the topic, Final Destination is no different to the first film. The only difference that I could highlight and tag: "good", is that they added the element of "clues in photographs" which is fresh on the series.

FD3 HAS HOLES IN THE SCRIPT. First thing I noticed during the "avoiding Death's plan" sequence, is that when Frankie (played by Sam Easton) takes off the coaster, there should not have a crash occurring. Because if you could recall, his video-camera causes a spark with the gas leak, causing the coaster to crash. He went off the coaster. How the hell did the crash still happen? Here-here.

FD3 HAS ENOUGH GORES AND SUSPENSE. It generates a reputation-abundant amount of gores, shocks, and thrill. In some occasion we may encounter some unexpected things especially with the death scenes, not knowing how Death is going to take their lives.

FD3 IS A TEENAGE HORROR. Does this count a good thing? For me, yes. This is what people love, tits playing in-motion in front of our faces, naked females, and cheesy acting by the leads. This starts to get even better when the leads surpass the viewer's expectations upon their acting (like what happened with Paris Hilton in House of Wax) and when fun and fright perfectly collides.

I shall copy-and-paste my tweet (follow me on Twitter), and I quote:

Final Destination 3 is a finely weaved duffel bag-fancy looking, fun, and old school-only it has a handful of holes in the script. 3.5 stars!


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